The skin of L.M. – NUDE.

Artist and friend Lorna McCarthy returns as a muse for this months exclusive digital painting! I thoroughly enjoyed creating this piece, though of course it remains a part of my learning journey with Procreate. I can’t stress enough how valuable it is for me to have this creators space with your support. Retaining the ability to keep trying new things and evolving my skills as an artist is super important to me. Thank you for being here!

While making this piece I set myself a number of challenges. I made the decision to use only the Oil Paint default brush, with no Smudge tool (which is usually what helps to blend those skin tones so effectively). And I severely limited my use of the Eraser tool. I think I used it less than a handful of times in the end. I also somehow managed to use the same Oil Paint brush for the hair as well as the body, though I usually use two separate tools. Hair can be so tricky to do, especially when trying to capture the brightness, shape, and texture of Lorna’s beautiful locks!

In any case, I hope this artwork brings you some bright pink positive energy as we settle in to the darkest couple of weeks in the year. And rest assured that I have a lot of lovely rewards lined up for you during December and January! Starting with Novembers postcards actually, which have been posted out today and I didn’t mention them on here this month at all as I wanted it to be a complete surprise. So look forward to opening those mailboxes! 📮💌📬

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